Our Funds

We invest in companies which we believe will add long-term value to our portfolios.

UK Domiciled funds

Type of fundOEIC
Total assets£203m (31/12/2024)

This fund invests in predominantly mid-cap companies with an aim to deliver a high and growing quarterly dividend and the prospect of good long-term capital growth.

Type of fundOEIC
Total assets£575m (31/12/2024)

A UK small and mid-cap fund aiming to invest in highly cash generative companies with strong market positions that are expected to grow faster than UK GDP.  

Type of fundOEIC
Total assets£192m (31/12/2024)

A Europe ex UK equity fund investing solely in the equity securities of companies listed in Europe, but outside of the UK, across the size spectrum down to a minimum market capitalisation of €50m.

Type of fundOEIC
Total assets£31m (31/12/2024)

A focused UK Equity All Cap portfolio with no permanent size or sector bias.

Irish Domiciled funds

Type of fundUCITS
Total assets€7m (31/12/2024)

The fund invests in companies within the consumer staples industry concentrating on brands that have the scope to compound high returns over the mid to longer term.

Swedish Domiciled funds

IMPORTANT NOTE: these funds are not available for sale in the UK

Type of fundUCITS
Total assetsSEK 667m (31/12/2024)

The fund invests in global technology companies which are benefitting from long-term structural technology trends creating long-term growth potential

Type of fundUCITS
Total assetsSEK 59m (31/12/2024)

The fund is a fundamentally oriented long/short equity hedge fund investing in undervalued shares and short overvalued shares globally

Investment Trusts

Type of fundInvestment Trust
Total assets£53m (31/12/2024)

A small registered, self-managed Alternative Investment Fund investing principally in mid and small-cap companies and aims to deliver a high and growing quarterly dividend alongside good long-term capital growth. 

Type of fundInvestment Trust
Total assets£7m (31/12/2024)

A small registered, self-managed Alternative Investment Fund that invests in cash-generative quoted UK Small and Mid-Cap Companies.