Responsible investing and active stewardship lie at the heart of our investment processes

We believe integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues within our investment analysis and decision-making can help us capture the superior investment returns that are available within our investment universe.

Our Approach

Our dedicated ESG team work alongside the investment teams to ensure ESG risks and opportunities are appropriately identified, monitored, captured and controlled.

Our aim is to protect and enhance value for investors and we believe this approach can offer benefits for wider stakeholders as we work to encourage more sustainable business practices.

We are signatories to both the United Nations-backed Principles of Responsible Investing and the revised UK Stewardship Code 2020.

These best-practice reporting frameworks shine a light on the systemic issues we have a responsibility to address.    


Successful investment in under-researched companies requires a high commitment to company engagement and we devote significant time and resources to this activity.

We engage with our companies to support improvements in ESG management and reporting, promoting the adoption of recognised frameworks and reporting standards that can encourage positive change.

Our annual Engagement Plan is designed to address the information gaps that are prevalent in our investment universe, highlighting engagement topics and communicating our expectations.

As active investors we vote on all company and shareholder resolutions following our Engagement and Voting Policy and we publish quarterly Engagement and Voting Reports, in addition to annual UK Stewardship Code Reports.

All our policies, plans and reports can be found on our Responsible Investing Resources page.

Responsible Investing Policies & Reports

We believe the ESG management strength of a company is an important investment quality indicator. Our approach recognises that more sustainable business practice is now a key component of competitive advantage.

Sally Clifton , Head of Responsible Investing

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