
FS Chelverton Thyra Fund

About the fund

FS Chelverton Thyra Fund is a fundamentally oriented long/short equity hedge fund investing in undervalued shares and short overvalued shares globally. Our investment thesis is based on finding large technology shifts or themes inside the technology sector, employing extensive fundamental research to identify investments that are under or overvalued within each theme. The fund is managed by dedicated technology specialists, with significant experience investing in the sector.

Long/short fund focused on the global Technology industry

Taking advantage of long term structural shifts in the technology sector

Fundamental cash flow focus

Managed by dedicated technology specialists

The fund is registered for sale in Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway only. Please contact your local approved adviser or visit for further details.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: this fund is not available for sale in the UK

Fund facts

Launch Date

15 November 2006

Total Assets (31/12/24)

SEK 59m

Income Paid




Investment Universe

Global equity

IA Sector

EAA Fund Long/Short Equity – Global



Financial Year End

31 December

Base Currency