MI Chelverton UK Equity Income Fund
About the fund
The Chelverton UK Equity Income Fund is one of the longest standing UK Equity Income funds that invests for income and capital growth solely in Mid & Small Cap companies. The managers seek to capture the long-term outperformance effect of investing in Mid & Small Cap stocks, combined with the superior total returns of higher yielding equities. The Chelverton investment philosophy is to apply the disciplines of equity income investing to the pricing inefficiencies inherent within the Mid & Small Cap universe. The Fund aims to marry the long term ‘Mid & Small Cap effect’ with the ability to find relatively high and growing dividends from an extremely broad range of sectors and industries.
UK equity income fund focused on generating a growing income and capital growth by investing only in UK Mid & Small Cap companies
Combines the disciplines of equity income investing with the pricing inefficiencies of smaller companies
Income is derived from a portfolio of companies that is all outside the top 100 UK companies by market capitalisation
Managed by a very experienced team of Mid & Small Cap specialists
For further information and investor documentation for this fund please click on the following link to the Administrator’s website:
Fund facts
Launch Date
Total Assets (31/12/24)
Income Paid
XD Dates
31 March
30 June
31 September
31 December
12 Noon, Daily
Investment Universe
Mid and Small Cap UK Equities
IA Sector
UK Equity Income
Financial Year End
31 December
Base Currency
Dividends at a glance
* Subject to Audit: Ex Date 02/01/2024
* Subject to Audit: Ex Date 02/01/2024
Share class | A | B | A | B |
Currency | GBP | GBP | GBP | GBP |
Currency hedging | Un-hedged | Un-hedged | Un-hedged | Un-hedged |
Type of unit | Income | Income | Accumulation | Accumulation |
Share Class type | Legacy | Clean | Legacy | Clean |
Annual Management Fee (AMC) | 1.50% | 0.75% | 1,50% | 0.75% |
Minimum investment | £1,000 | £1,000 | £1,000 | £1,000 |
Initial charge | up to 5% | up to 5% | up to 5% | Up to 5% |
% of annual fee taken from capital | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
% of annual fee taken from income | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Performance fee | No | No | No | No |
A Income | B Income | |
Dividend frequency | Quarterly | Quarterly |
XD date (1st interim) | 1 April | 1 April |
XD date (2nd interim) | 1 July | 1 July |
XD date (3rd interim) | 1 October | 1 October |
XD date (4th final) | 1 January | 1 January |
Pay dates | 8 weeks after XD date | 8 weeks after XD date |
Tax status | UK OEIC | UK OEIC |
Dealing and Enquiry: +44 (0)345 305 4217
Email: chelverton@maitlandgroup.com
Spring Capital Partners Limited
Tel: +44 (0)20 3307 8086
Email: chelverton@springcapitalpartners.com